
DRHARISHPURANIK https://drharishpuranik.nowfloats.com

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Our Story

Dr. Harish Puranik is a Senior Consultant specialised in Sports injuries and Arthroscopic surgeries currently working at Hosmat Hospital, Bangalore, also he practises at SPIRE Clinic, Malleshwaram. Dr Harish finished his post-graduation with masters in Orthopaedics in 2011. He pursued further training in the field of Joint Replacements with a Fellowship in Hip and Knee Replacements from Puttlingen, Germany and a couple of Inland Fellowships to compliment his skills in Arthroplasty. Pursing his subsequent training he completed Fellowship in Arthroscopic Surgeries at SPARSH Hospital, Bangalore. His Interest in Sports Injuries led him to complete his MSc-Diploma in Sports and Exercise Medicine from the University of South Wales in the UK. He has also undergone specialized training in Arthroscopic surgeries of the Shoulder from Macclesfield, Manchester UK. He has been part of the team performing Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic surgeries for nearly a decade. He has also worked as a lead surgeon for ‘SPORTHO’, a dedicated centre for managing Sports injuries and Arthroscopic surgeries at SPARSH Hospital. Also, he has worked as a guide for Postgraduate students in Orthopaedics and for fellowship trainees in Arthroscopic surgeries. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals.
